Islam and Environmental Conservation Publication

Following are the links of all related Islam and Environmental Conservation produced by Center for Islamic Studies including publications, policy brief, fact sheet, wildlife fatwa, videos etc:


  • 2015 The MUI Fatwa Protection of Wildlife Species for Maintaining the Balance of Ecosystem (Original Pdf) (English Pdf) (Pocket Book Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2016  The MUI Fatwa No 30/2016 on Law of Burning Land and Forest  (English Pdf) (Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2017 Guide book for Preacher of Wildlife Protection for the Balance of the Ecosystem  (English Pdf) (Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2017 The Khutbah for Wildlife Protection for the Balance of the Ecosystem (English Pdf) (Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2018 The Guide book for Law of Burning Land and Forest  (English Pdf) (Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2018 The Khutbah for Law of Burning Land and Forest (English Pdf) (Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2018 Islam, Creation and Conservation  (English Pdf) (Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2019 Module: Islam untuk Konservasi Alam (Bahasa Pdf)
  • 2020 Modul Pendidikan Lingkungan di Pesantren (Pdf )


Comic Books:

Story Telling/Dongeng

  • Kancil Milenium (Bahasa Pdf)




  • Haji Ramah Lingkungan /Greening The Hajj Indonesia (English Pdf) (Bahasa Pdf)
  • IWWASH (English Pdf)
  • Mengintip Satwa Rimbang Baling (Bahasa Pdf)


  1. Conservation:

2. Climate Actions

3. Health and Sanitation


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