Call for Consultation Islamic Climate Declaration


Islamic Climate Declaration

Call for consultation

Dear Fachruddin

You are no doubt aware that the final make or break round of talks to find a successor to the Kyoto Protocol is set to take place in Paris in December of this year. There is a buzz in the air about this whole process and according to all the major scientific studies the prospects for Planet Earth are rather calamitous if we, the human race as a whole, do not get global warming under control.

You will be pleased to learn that working alongside Islamic Relief World Wide, Conservation Action Network International and GreenFaith USA we will be launching an Islamic Declaration on Climate Change in Istanbul on 17, 18 August. My organization has been charged with the responsibility of producing the draft declaration and this is what I am writing to you about. Could you please help us with the consultative process?

You can see the draft we have produced so far by clicking the button below and we have till 10 August to put together a declaration to enable us to launch it at a symposium on 17, 18 August in Istanbul –


Please circulate this to your own networks and generate as much feedback as you can from local scholars, mosques, study groups, community organizations and any individual who may wish to comment on the improvement to the presentation. Comments can be sent directly to or to the members of the drafting committee.

See below
I have had the pleasurable task of putting together a powerful and knowledgeable group of scholars and activists whom I have known for a number of years and who have an international reputation for their respective contributions to Islamic environmentalism in the areas of theology, philosophy and practical action. They are in alphabetical order –

  • Professor Azizan Baharuddin – Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. She is currently Deputy Director-General of the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) – (
  • Dr. Yasin Dutton – Associate Professor in Arabic Studies, Cape Town University, South Africa. – (
  • Othman LLewyn – Environmental Planner Saudi Arabia Wildlife Authority. Member of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law – (
  • Dr. Fachruddin Mangunjaya -Vice Chairman Centre for Islamic Studies, Universitas Nasional (UNAS), Jakarta, Indonesia.- (
  • Prof. Emeritus Ibrahim Ozdemir – Founding Rector Gazikent University, Gaziantep. Advisor, Ipek University, Ankara, Turkey. -(
  • There is much more to come in terms of post launch and post Paris activities and I’ll update you on this as we progress. And in the meantime thank you and I look forward to your support in getting this off the ground.Best wishes

Fazlun Khalid

Registered in the UK as charity – number 1041198

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