JAKARTA (PPI) – (9/2). Ketua Pusat Pengajian Islam, akan hadir dalam acara side event di United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) Naerobi, Faith for Earth Side Events, 11-15 March 2019. Beliau akan berbicara dalam dua forum :
- Side event diselenggarakan oleh Brahma Kumaris Organization, Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA), yang mengangkat tajuk tentang solusi inovatif dalam menghadapi tantangan lingkungan dan konsumsi berkelanjutan (Innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable consumption and production: Sub-theme: Environmental challenges related to poverty and natural resources management, including sustainable food systems, food security and halting biodiversity loss),diadakan tanggal 11 Maret 2019.Parapembicaranya adalah:
- Golo Pilz, head of solar power thermal plant India- One, Energy Advicer Brahma Kumaris
- Allen Ottaro, Founder – Excutive Director, Catholic Youth Network for Environment Sustainability for Africa.
- Canon Rachel Mash, Environment Co-ordinator, Green Anglicans, Anglican Church of Southern Africa.
- Dr. Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya, MSi, Chairman Centre for Islamic studies, Universitas Nasional (UNAS), Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Sonja Ohlsson – BK Environment Initiative
- Iyad Abumoghli, Ph.D., Principal Advisor, Strategic Engagement with Faith-based Organizations, UN Environment
2. Side event, tanggal 14 Maret, bertajuk tentang “From theory to practice: The Islamic Perspective of Environmental Protection and Promoting Interfaith Actions.” diselenggarakan oleh UN Environment and Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) yang bermarkas di Marocco. Adapun tajuk dan para pembicara antara lain:
- How the Islamic declaration on Climate Change supports sustainable consumption and production? Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Ozdemir (Turkey)
- Islamic impacts on Economic growth in a decarbonized world, Fazlun Khalid (IFEES)
- Natural resources conservation. Obligations of Muslim Consumers and producers, Dr.Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya, Universitas Nasional (UNAS) Jakarta.
- Environmental education in Islam towards innovation and sustainable consumption, Dr Abdelmajid TRIBAK, ISESCO.
- The role of Waqf (Islamic Endowment) and Zakat (alms) in Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Prof Samira Idllalene, University KI, Morocco.