In September 2015, the sky above Kalimantan, Indonesia, turned a dark yellow as fires swept across the region’s peatlands emitting a dense haze. The streets became empty of people and the air— thick with smoke—difficult to breathe. “Whenever I recall that moment, it’s always traumatic for me,” Emmanuela Shinta, a youth Dayak activist who was […]
BRG Gelar Pelatihan untuk Parad Dai Restotasi Gambut (Varia Peradilan 26 April 2018) BRG Beri Dai Tiga Provinsi Pelatihan Restorasi Gambut (Riau Terkini 11 Mei 2018) Melestarikan Gambut Bersama Para Dai (UNAS Website 23 April 2018) KLIPING BERITA 2017 KLIPING BERITA 2016 KLIPING BERITA 2015 KLIPING BERITA 2015