Islam and Environment
Our Program
The Center for Islamic Studies (PPI) seeks to engage with Islamic teachings and perspectives to address environmental issues such as nature conservation and climate change. We build bridges between Muslim leaders and communities and environmental scientists and practitioners for the good of people and the planet. We foster integration in academia of Islamic and scientific thought and contribute to local, national, regional and international initiatives on Islam and the environment.
See Recent Study PPI Unas in Higher Education Reflection from the Field (IntechOpen, 2022)
With this background, PPI-Unas works to explore and actualize various Islamic treatises, traditions, and local knowledge that have been proven to bring prosperity to mankind and nature. At PPI-Unas we build a network of Muslim intellectual groups, strengthen collaboration and good practices as a joint contribution in reducing the impact of climate change, starting at the local, national and international levels.
PROGRAMS: We work in various areas including:
Our Projects Support to SDGs Target

Realization Program

1. IWT: Tacling the ilegal willdlife trade in Muslim Communities in Sumatera
The project aims to protect endangered species in Rimbang Baling Wildlife Sanctuary (RBWR), Riau, Sumatra, which is targeted by poaching. RBWR is located within the Central Sumatra Tiger Conservation Landscape, an area critical to the long-term survival of Sumatran tigers.
2. Combating ilegal wildlife trade in Muslim Communities in Indonesia
The aim of the project is to fight the illegal wildlife trade in Sumatra, Indonesia, by raising awareness and understanding among Indonesian Muslims of Islamic fatwas banning wildlife trafficking.
3. Mobilizing Muslim Communities For Japan Rhino Conservation in Indonesia
The aim of the project is to strengthen support in Muslim villages near Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK) in Banten Province, West Java, for the protection of the Javan rhinoceros and its habitat. Under this project we seek to raise awareness and understanding of the national Islamic edict that calls on every Muslim to protect threatened species, to complement the current enforcement and species conservation initiatives at TNUK.
4. Penguatan Kearifan Lubuk Larangan dalam Kerangka Konservasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam Berkelanjutan
Realizing that there are still at least studies of this local wisdom and conservation studies and their contributions, there must be efforts to explore the characteristics of natural protection or conservation through Indonesian cultural apeilation need to be researched and studied. This research will focus on local wisdom and the sustainable utilization of natural resources found in Sumatra, in a protection practice called lubuk larangan.
5. Testing Islamic Approaches to Reducing Songbirds Competitions in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: April 2020 - March
The Beliefs & Values Program (BVP) offers a conservation approach that engages civil society based on their core religious and spiritual beliefs and values related to nature conservation. Nearly 85% of the global population is affiliated with religious or spiritual belief traditions. We work with local religious partners to highlight teachings in the traditions of those who speak out to care for the planet and to develop programs, with technical support from conservationists, to protect and restore biodiversity and mitigate climate change that align with their beliefs and values.
6. Awareness in Tackling Illegal Wildlife Trade through Pesantren Education in Riau, Sumatra September 2020-September 2021
This project continues our work on conservation awareness in Indonesian pesantren. We will test our Islamic conservation kit for Muslim educators in a pilot project at a boarding school in the landscape of Rimbang Baling Wildlife Sanctuary, Sumatra, where UNAS has been working on an Islamic approach to conservation since 2014. We will also develop our Ekopesantren website to increase participation in conservation by 21,000 pesantren spread throughout Indonesia. This will include the creation of an online conservation tracking and rating tool for pesantren, and at the end of the grant period, launching a national competition to recognize the most active and impactful pesantren.
7. Evaluation of the Hygiene and Behaviour Change Coalition for COVID-19 prevention: the inclusion of people with disabilities, older adults and older adults with disabilities
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the inclusiveness, effectiveness, and results of HBCC program interventions designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community, especially for people with disabilities, parents, and caregivers. In Indonesia the HBCC program is implemented by Save The Children, in Kenya by AMREF and PSI, and Zambia by Water Aid.
8. Strengthening the Integration of Islam and Environmental Science in Islamic Boarding Schools through the Ekopesantren Program
In this project we explore the role of pesantren as an innovative Muslim institution where Muslim youth can explore Islamic thoughts and teachings related to nature, study environmental science, and take part in practical activities that marry science and Islam, such as organic farming and tree planting in pesantren yards. Therefore, our guiding question in this project is, 'How can the integration of environmental science and Islamic teachings in pesantren education help strengthen the relationship of Muslim youth with nature?'