IWT Project Awareness Tool 2018-2021 (2)

2. Video on Cleric Sermons

There many Islamic teachings on protection nature and wildlife. The short videos are developed to give inspiration for clerics share the teachings through their meetings with communities or their social media.

Jangan Rusak Bumi (Do not hurt the Earth)

God has created the Earth as the most suitable natural place for human to live and source for their life. Therefore, human should take a good care of earth  by keep it clean, utilize it wisely and do not thrash it out as the garbage can.

Manusia Adalah Khalifah (Humand Kind is Khalifah)

God has given the title to humans as Khalifah, the leader on earth. For this reason, it has an obligation to manage natural resources that have been transferred wisely, and not even destroy them, because God does not like people who are extravagant.

Mereka Ada untuk Kita (They are helping us)

A hadits narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), did not like friends who liked to disturb or trouble the life of birds by taking young birds, let alone hunted them for economic purposes or just a hobby.

Burung pun bertasbih (The Birds praise Lord)

Birds that live in the wild are God’s creation,   its role is to maintain the balance of nature. Many verses in  Al-qur’an and also the narrations of the Prophet’s hadiths teach Muslims to protect life, by allowing them to live freely, and not to be traded or hunted for fun or toys for humans.

Culture, Spirituality and Conservation

A short film on Culture, Spirituality and Conservation by the IUCN CEESP Theme on Culture, Spirituality and Conservation and the SCB Religion and Conservation Biology Working Group.

IUCN CEESP Theme on Culture, Spirituality and Conservation
Website: iucn.org/commissions/commission-environmental-economic-and-social-policy/our-work/culture-spirituality-and-conservation


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